To create communities of unconditional love, support and hope for the homeless, as we work together to prevent and ultimately end homelessness.
Joppa engages the community to give their time, treasures and talents. We work together to help unsheltered families and individuals access government-funded resources and fill gaps in homeless services, education and housing.
Watch Homeless with Baby Girls here.
“joppa” (jop · pa \ ˈjäp-pə \ n. & adj):
“In Joppa, there was a disciple named Tabitha; she was always doing good and helping the poor.” – Acts 9:36, NIV
Joppa 2326 Euclid Avenue Des Moines, IA 50310 (515) 288-5699
Content Copyright © 2009-2025 Joppa, Inc. All rights reserved.